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  Cervical decompression    

Chiropractic care


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  Nutritional systems available    

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Custom-made orthotics


Acupressure treatment


Nerve conduction velocity studies

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  Patient education: Spinal surgery risks    
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Foor Levelers kit
Computerized digital scanning equipment for foot arch testing

If orthotics or arch supports are something you need as a result of our examination findings and computerized digital scan of your feet, we can order them. There are different types and kinds of orthotics. You may already have a pair that you obtained from another health care provider. Bring them in to us so we can check them out for you and find out if we can still use them or if another type may be better for you.

With our computerized equipment, we will digitally scans your feet and generate a comprehensive report of findings to educate you about your need for spinal pelvic stabilizers i.e. custom-made orthotics. You will be able to you see your foot scans and have a better understanding about any postural imbalances and how we can help you.

Normal and fallen arches

Your custom molded foot orthotics can then be made off of the scan that we produce with the computer.  These are Foot Levelers, flexible, three arch orthotics. They are very comfortable and are backed by a two-year money back guarantee.  

Foot Levelers

Call for free consultation and/or appointment at 724-935-3300.