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  Benefits of VAX-D    
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  Cervical decompression    

Chiropractic care


Physical therapy & rehabilitation


Extra spinal adjusting


Massage therapy



  Nutritional systems available    

Comprehensive nutritional info


Custom-made orthotics


Acupressure treatment


Nerve conduction velocity studies

  Your X-rays & MRIs    
  Patient education: Disc conditions    
  Patient education: Spinal surgery risks    
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Frequently Answered Questions (FAQ)
answered by Dr. Peter G. Peduzzi and Dr. Dennis M. Miskovich

Dr. Peduzzi's credentials are from top national institutions
Is VAX-D painful? VAX-D painful tions to Office
A: No, VAX-D is very comfortable for the patients. Many patients actually fall to sleep during treatment.
Q: Does medical insurance cover VAX-D treatments?
A: Yes and no. Workmen's compensation and auto insurance cover the therapy. Depending on the plan, other insurance may cover portions of the treatment. Medicare doesn't cover any of the therapy.
Q: How long will the treatment results last?
A: It really depends on the condition of the disks prior to the VAX-D therapy
Q: I have already had disk surgery. Can I still have VAX-D therapy?
A: Yes, we have had patients with as high as six surgeries and still benefit from VAX-D therapy.
Q: I have had herniated disk for almost three years. Can VAX-D therapy still help me?
A: Yes. In fact, a large study of 700 plus patients, with disk conditions 40 months of age and older showed a 71-73% success rate. This is a fabulous finding.
Q: My herniated disk is the worst kind -- extruded herniated disk. Can VAX-D therapy help me?
A: Yes. Again, the success rate of this therapy has been 71%.
Q: I have a reverse-gravity table at home. Is it the same thing as VAX-D table?
A: No. In fact, reverse-gravity tables are similar to traction, which can be harmful as it will stretch the ligaments, thus creating dependency on the table and a chronic instability of the ligaments of the spinal joints.
Dr.Miskovich, with some of his numerous professional awards