Chiropractic is...
...an approach to health which utilizes
the body's inherent and
recuperative powers.
healing science which places
emphasis on maintaining the structural
integrity of the body.
method of health care which is conservative and which does not utilize
drugs or surgery.
chiropractic profession, which was established in 1895, derived
its name from the Greek words "cheir" and praktikis,"
meaning "done by hand."
is a conservative approach to health restoration, maintenance and
disease resistance. As a natural health-care method, chiropractic,
by choice, does not utilize drugs or surgical procedure. While a
drug may be helpful in alleviating symptoms, it does not necessarily
address the cause of those symptoms. While surgery may be necessary
to remove a diseased organ, it does not address why the organ failed
to function normally. While chiropractic recognizes that drugs and
surgery may be necessary at times, it also understands their limitations
and risks. Therefore, chiropractic approaches illness from a noninvasive